hat is the role of science in homeopathy now a considerable amount of randomised clinical trials (RCTs) has been performed? It seems superfluous to perform more RCT’s; sceptics will continue to stress the implausibility. One of their objections is that effects of homeopathy are not very great, and there they have a point! Indeed we cannot state that homeopathy is a perfect method, there are many flaws. Probably more than half of our prescriptions are not efficacious (in fact placebo’s) because of weaknesses in our methodology.
We can and we should improve our methodology. The entries of medicines in our Repertory rubrics are based on observations in successful cases. With computerrepertories it is, in fact, too easy to make additions to the Repertory. We know that frequently used medicines are in all larger rubrics. Statistics explain why this happens, and why this is wrong. By mere chance every symptom will occur eventually in relation to frequently used medicines.
It is therefore essential that homeopathic doctors understand something about statistics. In fact, unknowingly, they apply statistics in every consultation. They intuitively apply Bayes’ theorem that describes how we learn from experience. As homeopathy is experience based, Bayes’ theorem offers us an algorithm for homeopathy.
Bayes’ theorem can also be applied in performing research on homeopathic symptoms: prognosis or prognostic factor research. This research does not, or hardly, interfere with daily practice and many homeopathic doctors should participate in this kind of research to improve our instruments and establish homeopathy as a scientific method.